Sunday, February 9, 2014

When Road Trips Go Wrong

When Travel Goes Wrong

Traveling is fun, but it's also risky. Leaving your comfort zone increases the likelihood that something might go awry, especially when it comes to driving in countries other than your own. In some cases, like the one above, horribly awry. But while such stories might be mortifying in the moment, they give us plenty to laugh about afterwards. Never forget that the root of comedy is tragedy e.g. me slipping on a banana peel is tragic, you slipping on a banana peel is hilarious. With that in mind, we're proud to present: When Road Trips Go Wrong.

When Travel Goes Wrong

Since it's still winter for now, we'll start with some photos of drivers failing to navigate icy roads properly. This driver sure caught a break.
When Road Trips Go Wrong
This one didn't.
When Road Trips Go Wrong
Kind of gives a new meaning to the phrase "scared straight."
When Travel Goes Wrong
At the very least, that guy doing the balancing act above was able to get into his car. Not sure what the procedure is for when your car is completely encased in ice (we live in California.) Can any snowbound readers enlighten us?
When Travel Goes Wrong
Not that driving in the rain is fool-proof either, especially when combined with, you know, a giant log flying off the back of a truck and straight at your head.
When Road Trips Go Wrong
But don't be fooled into thinking that driving behind a produce truck is any safer; you might end up being attacked by potatoes.
When Travel Goes Wrong
When driving abroad, make sure you understand the terrain. Even the most heavy duty of vehicles can fall victim to an unfortunately located swamp.
When Travel Goes Wrong
But all Hummer drivers can take comfort in their ability to mercilessly (and literally) crush their parking competition.
When Road Trips Go Wrong
Speaking of parking, always be sure to choose a spot that's not under a giant volleyball.
When Travel Goes Wrong
Or on an airport runway.
When Road Trips Go Wrong
Or directly under the path of a falling tree.
When Travel Goes Wrong
If you hire your own limo driver, make sure he understands how to drive in the city. We can still hear the San Franciscans laughing about this one.
When Travel Goes Wrong
Hah, we hear you say, I'm going to avoid all of this by taking the bus. Sorry to say it, but even buses get into tight spots.
When Travel Goes Wrong
Everyone makes mistakes, such as hitting the accelerator when you mean to reverse.
When Travel Goes Wrong
Or hitting reverse when you mean to go forward.
When Travel Goes Wrong
Trying to squeeze your car, no matter how small, onto a pedestrian walkway is never advisable.
When Travel Goes Wrong
Ultimately, traveling is a lot like life. Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down. The important thing is to keep moving forward.
When Travel Goes Wrong
But not into the pool or local Chinese restaurant.
When Road Trips Go Wrong
Last but not least, we know that beach parking can be difficult to find in the summer months, but if you choose to leave your vehicle right by the shore, always remember when high tide rolls in. You've only got one chance: get it wrong and your car will be swimming with the fishes before too long. MT

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