Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Meet the snake 'milker' who uses his bare hands to extract venom from deadly reptiles

Meet the snake 'milker' who uses his bare hands to 
extract venom from deadly reptiles

By Mick Middles

venomous snakes

When it comes to dangerous jobs, Jim Harrison's is up there with those belonging to stuntmen and astronauts - because he's a professional snake 'miker'.

In other words, he uses his bare hands to extract venom from snakes.

Brave Jim has risked his life more than a million times milking some of the world's most poisonous snakes, including vipers and king cobras.

The 55-year-old and his wife Kristen, 37, house the largest venomous snake collection in the US - and possibly the world - at Kentucky Reptile Zoo.

Each day barehanded Jim catches hundreds of snakes and grips them tightly as their fangs snap onto a glass beaker spitting venom.

Venomous Snakes
Deadly: Jim and 'friend' at the zoo

But his chosen profession does come with certain occupational hazards.
He has been bitten eight times - the worst from a lance-headed viper which left him in hospital for four weeks, needing three operations to remove abscesses.
Jim, whose hands are scarred with some fingertips missing, said: "We have around 2000 snakes on site and average between 600-1000 extractions a week.
"The perception of anyone who keeps snake is a little weird - people don't understand why you would risk your life.
"But the reality is it's not that much risk if you use precautions, I think people get carried away from watching TV and the danger.
"Truthfully any of the snakes could be dangerous but they're only dangerous if you do something stupid."
Venomous Snakes
Venom: Kristin Wiley uses a pipet to collect remnants of cobra venom

Jim has always been interested in snakes from a young age - he caught his first snake aged six - while Kristen became interested in reptiles in college.

The pair run the Kentucky Reptile Zoo full-time, a non-profit relying solely on people coming through the gates and the sale of venom.

Kristen added: "Almost any venomous snake is capable of causing severe injury but you are pretty unlikely to die if you get appropriate medical care.

"It's unlikely here as we do everything we can to get appropriate care and have anti-venom on site for everything anti-venom is made for.

"We both believe what we're doing is a good thing - it saves lives.

"The research can help people and it's good publicity for snakes as people know the venom is being used in applications which may help people one day."

Would you like to do his job for a day?

Taken from 

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