Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Donald Trump to host Saturday Night Live

US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will host the comedy show Saturday Night Live next month, the NBC network says.
Mr Trump, the frontrunner for his party's candidacy, will present the show for the second time on 7 November.
In June, NBC dropped the Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants co-owned by Mr Trump after he made "derogatory statements" about immigrants.
He last hosted the comedy show in April 2004.
NBC had faced pressure from Hispanic advocacy groups to drop Mr Trump's shows after his comments about Mexicans caused a storm in the summer.
After cancelling the broadcasts, the network said "respect and dignity for all people" were "cornerstones of our values".
Mr Trump continues to lead polls, but some indicate that Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, is narrowing the gap with the businessman.
Hillary Clinton, who heads polls for the Democratic nomination, appeared on Saturday Night Live last month, playing a bartender named Val.
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