Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wildlife Photographer of the Year: Warring foxes take prize

To the victor the spoils. An image of warring foxes has won the 2015 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.
Taken by amateur Don Gutoski, the picture captures the moment a red fox hauls away the carcass of its Arctic cousin following a deadly attack in Canada's Wapusk National Park.
"It's the best picture I've ever taken in my life," Don told BBC News.
"It's the symmetry of the heads, the bodies and the tails - even the expression on the faces."
It doesn't come across as gory at all. In fact, when you first look at the picture, it's almost as if the red fox is taking off his winter coat
Kathy Moran, Judging panel member
The two animals' ranges overlap at Wapusk, which hugs the shore of Hudson Bay in Manitoba.
And if the larger red catches sight of the Arctic resident, it will try to prey on the northern species.
Wildlife guides in the park had spoken of seeing the conflict, but this is thought to be one of the first cases where it has been documented on camera.


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