Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Did Back to the Future correctly predict the Chicago Cubs would win the World Series?

IT IS a tale so unlikely, Back to the Future predicted it just because of how ridiculous it sounded.
But was the movie right?
The Chicago Cubs, with the longest title drought of any North American sports team at 106 seasons, have defeated the St Louis Cardinals 6-4 to reach Major League Baseball’s National League finals.
It leaves the club — a perennial laughing stock — just one series away from reaching the World Series.
Javier Baez, Kyle Schwarber and Anthony Rizzo smacked home runs to power the long-suffering Cubs, who had never clinched a playoff series at home until taking this best-of-five matchup from the Cardinals three games to one.
“This means so much to the team, the city and to everyone involved with this organisation,” Rizzo said.
“We’re so happy right now. I can’t even put it into words.”
Back to the Future Part II sees Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) travel to the year 2015, and the Cubs winning the World Series was considered one of the movies more outlandish predictions.
“Wait a minute,” McFly says as he reads sports bulletin projected onto the side of a building.
“Who would have thought? A 100-1 shot,” an old man replies. “I wish I could go back to the beginning of the season and put some money on the Cubbies.”
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